
CoolVFD News provides you with cutting-edge information to help you operate as efficiently as you can with the resources that are available to you.  Check out the articles below to see how you could be saving thousands of dollars every year by retrograding your system with a variable frequency drive, and if you qualify for a REAP grant or loan which can cover 25% of your upgrade expenses.

Are you irrigating efficiently?


Unfortunately, many irrgiation systems are inefficient which adds to costs.  Even a 10% decrease in an irrigation system's efficiency may cost thousands of extra dollars spent needlessly each year.  Sometimes over 50% of the water delivered through the systems does not benefit the crop or your bottom line.  

Why buy a Variable Frequency Drive?


Many motors driving various equipment operate a constant speed.  To control the amount of work the motor is providing at any given time, devices are used to reduce the machine's output through artificial loading.  Examples include oulet valves or dampers, which restrict output to decrease the flow rate to a desired level for the system, or a bypass loop which simply diverts the fluid.  In some cases, the machine runs at a higher speed than is necessary to do the job.  All these attempts esentially waste energy.  

VFD savings chart from Naab Electric to show how you can save dollars by controlling the motor and adjusting the system using the CoolVFD geothermal cooling system, a green cutting-edge solution from Naab Electric.

Rural Energy for America Program


Through the Rural Energy for America Program (REAP), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development helps fnance the cost of renewable energy systems and energy effciency improvements for rural small businesses and agricultural producers.